Monday, May 17, 2010

Green the place for me...

Ok so I totally feel like Eva...Well except for no Cow...or Horse yet..And I wasn't rich when I moved.....We are moved into our almost 2 acre little place. I think it is a lot of work and have not seen rest yet... Also we are still struggling with the rat race. I am sooo worn with the move and the end of the year happenings with School. Also, I just feel completely helpless with one situation in my life and can only trust God it will work for the good, AND that the work he started in me he will finish.

The garden is coming in as well as the 2 million weeds to come with it. Honestly I can't tell the Corn from the weeds except that the corn is in a straighter row HA.The apartment we own is not refinished yet to rent but hope by the end of Summer will be ready!! I mowed the front yard with the push mower and it took me 3 hours. WOW Needless to say I did not do the back yard. Oh We also have 4 hens and 1 rooster. EXCITING. Jeff built a coop and is going to make it a rolling coop so they can be free-range but safe from the coyotes! Yes I heard Coyotes ...I have plans of opening a little produce stand because the road I live on is very busy, I think it will do really well. I also have another business idea let you know how that works later.

The kids are just as silly as ever. Chi says the craziest things and does the silliest. He likes to be a super hero and his arm has super powers. He says to us "MY Power is broken got to get some more." and shoots us...LOL...what a nut...Talya is amazing student. She loves to read and is reading things I did not read until...,, well was gonna lie and say High School which is where I should have read it...then was going to say College which was my final chance I do have the same taste in reading for fun though. We both love to read mystery. She is on her 5th Nancy Drew since January , and that is not counting all the books she has to read for school including , her Abeka readers, The Secret Garden, The Odyssey (reading together)and tons more. We have been learning about the beginning of history, Ancients, so we learned about Anciet Greece, King TUT and Moses. She took her standardized Tests last week. I really enjoy our days together while they are little. I appreciate my husband who supports me and wants it for our kids. He works so hard and puts a lot of integrity into his workmanship. Thank you honey.

Well in our efforts to be greener or live off the land more I think we have gotten a good start. Garden, check, Chickens, check, recycled home, check. Still to do
1. worm farm for our chickens and garden
2. secret project for me
3. pictures hung in house
4. curtains picked out
5. goat to mow the yard

with Love